Monday, February 27, 2012


A soft noise drifted to my ear and froze my pencil mid-equation. 
I peeked out of my bedroom door and saw a glimmer of light 
from behind the cracked door of my sister’s bedroom.
My algebra homework can wait;
I thought to myself as I gently laid my pencil in the crease of my text book. I tiptoed across the hall all the while the faint singing drawing me closer.

“Hush little baby. Don’t say a word…” 
She hummed as she knelt next to the shelf 
where her little guppy swam in circles around his six inch wide bowl.
That was so many years ago. I thought it was hilarious at the time, but as I replay that moment I see now the affection that my sister had for her tiny fish. 
She gave this affection not because she wanted anything in return. 
She gave it knowing that that little fish would never love her back. 
She wanted to show him that she loved him even if he could never realize that.

"My little children, let us not love in word or tongue, but in deed and truth." ~1 John 3:18

That fish lived for another year, certainly exceeding its life expectancy.
I’ll never forget how she cried when she saw his little belly floating on top of the water.
Later that day, the most affectionately loved minnow that ever swam was laid to rest, six feet under the towering sunflower heads in our backyard garden.  

Makes me think of God’s affection for us. 

"God demonstrates His own love for us in this: 
While were still sinners, Christ died for us." ~Romans 5:8

We circle around our little tiny lives, so often oblivious to the affectionate love that God is showering down on us. So concerned about the other fish in our tank and the other tanks we wish we could go to, we lose sight of all we have. 
If God, the creator of the universe, the author of everything good, and the giver of life is willing to take the punishment for all of our wickedness because of His immense love for us, can we not merely love Him back? The answer is yes, we can love Him, but only because He first has given us love. 

“And hope does not disappoint us 
because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, 
whom He has given us.” 
~Romans 5:5

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