Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Break 2011

The screeching of seagulls pierces the tranquil blue sky over my head. I breathe in the warm salty air as a breeze floats by causing me to open my eyes and lift my sunglasses. As I lay on the beach chair in my brand new swimsuit I gaze into the distance at the white foamy waves that crash into small children dancing on the beach. I glance at my phone, hidden under my beach towel for protection from the blazing rays of the Bermudan sun, to check the time.
Ha, I laugh to myself.
What does it matter what time it is?
I have nowhere to be and nothing to do. This is bliss.
This is the best spring break that I’ve actually NEVER had.

My spring breaks don’t stand out in my memory.
I never made a big deal out of spring break. In fact, I never even had a spring break until I was in college.
I used to have what we called Easter break.

One of the most important holidays of the year.

Oh, well, it’s not really that big of a holiday you might say.

 It lacks the glamour of Christmas with all its presents and parties or Thanksgiving with all the food, friends and family. And by nature it doesn’t condone the debauchery of Halloween and New Year’s Eve celebrations.

I have the fondest memories of Easters past.  As a child I would go to bed unable to sleep for the excitement of the coming of the Easter bunny and the basket of treats that would be waiting on my desk when I woke up. After making myself sick from eating Easter candy, mom would curl my hair and doll me up in my EASTER best for church. Then the contents of the Easter basket would be unceremoniously dumped on the desk so I could rush outside and beat sissy in collecting the most Easter eggs hidden in the lawn. Those were the days.

This is what Easter was to me for years.
This is what Easter has become in our post-modern culture.
A quiet, simple and rather inconsequential holiday mostly for children and spending the day with family.

O, how far have we reduced Easter to turn it into a celebration of spring and the Easter bunny.

Easter is the celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead.
A King.
No, THE KING OF ALL, humbled himself
for UNFAITHFUL, selfish, GREEDY, miserable beings
who scoff at Him and His SACRIFICE.

Every day, when I choose my own will above his, I sin against him behaving like spoiled child who repeatedly commits her offenses and then whines about what she doesn’t have.

What does He do when I so self righteously proclaim my wants, needs and desires to be of more importance than His?
What does He think when I knowingly do exactly what He has asked me not to do?
What is His reaction to my indignation at the unfairness of life as I scream and complain and bemoan my awful circumstances, blaming Him for every unfortunate and uncomfortable thing in my life?

He calls to us in the beauty of His creation,
 in the subtle majesty of the RAINBOWS in the sky, 
and the miraculous cries of a newborn baby. 
He calls to us in the quietness of our consciences.
Asking us to not reject his gift, his sacrifice, his LOVE.
Asking us to let Him save us from the eternal damnation we have committed ourselves to.
Asking, so gently, so patiently, so lovingly if we will turn from our path of self destruction.

Easter celebrates the most influential and important event in the history of mankind, the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Christ died and rose for the whole world to see while every other religious leader lies in his grave.

O death, WHERE is your sting?
O hell, WHERE is your victory?
O church, come STAND in the light.
The glory of God has defeated the NIGHT. 
Our God is NOT dead.
 ~Matt Maher
I’ll probably never have a wild and fabulous spring break with palm trees and poolside service and hours upon hours of leisure, but it doesn’t really matter to me because I have the promise of spending eternity in Heaven with my Savior, Jesus Christ.

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
~Colossians 3:2

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