Thursday, March 3, 2011

a day in the life...

This morning I woke up to the sound of an alarm. It was my grandma’s motion detector. And the time reads 4:36 am.

“There, there, there…” She whispers.

I think she says that to comfort herself. After spending 40 years at the beside of thousands of ailing patients, her clouded, fading memory still retains that soothing phrase of comfort.

As I roll over in my warm covers I hear my mom creaking down the stairs to attend to grandma.
She’s probably already got her bed made, but after some gentle coaxing from mom, she’ll gladly snuggle back in between her sheets…for a couple hours at least.
Seems like five minutes later when I open my eyes to see the numbers nine seventeen on my radio clock.
AGH. I jump out of bed. I always enjoy sleeping in, but never past nine.

Although it’s only February, the piercing blue skies and singing birds above my house in Frederick beckon me to join them in the glories of nature.

I slip on my black Under Armour leggings, throw my favorite navy t-shirt over my head and grab my iPod by the ear buds.
I notice a brisk breeze as I step out into the sunlight and lace up my shoes.
The soles of my sneakers slowly begin to pound the pavement. It feels so good to move.
My mind wanders as my pony tail swings from side to side.  I plod along the walk when the sounds of “Tonight” by Group 1 Crew fill my headphones.
 “Her heart stops as she drops to her knees. God, why is all this happening to me?”
 There is so much sadness in our world.

Sadness caused by the curse when sin entered the world, and sorrow caused by the sin in our own hearts. Lust, greed and selfish ambition are the vices that lead to betrayal and heartache. Why do we do things that we know are bad for us? Especially when we know that our decisions are hurting others as well as ourselves. That still, quiet, moment of decision looms in our hearts as our mind wanders between what we know we should do, and what we want to do. We can’t make the right decisions on our own. Humanity has proved that throughout history and we prove it to ourselves in the mistakes we make in our lives every day.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.”
~Proverbs 3:5

My right side just under my ribs is aching and burns my lungs every time I draw a breath.
Ah, a cramp. I...have to…slow…down.
Oh well, I was about done anyways. Guess I’ll just walk home now.

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