Monday, February 28, 2011

back flip

A man dreams of doing the impossible. That someday, he will do a back flip.
All of the odds are stacked against him. His age, his build, his inexperience, his friends, 

This is impossible. You’re crazy. You’re going to hurt yourself. Stop. What’s the big deal? Why does it mean so much to you? You’ll never do it anyways.

Does he push past these voices of doubt?
Does he try?
Is he successful?
Or are his doubts legitimate?

We all have “back flips” to conquer.
God has given us desires and he asks us to do all that we can in order to become all that He designed us to be.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.
~Colossians 3:23

God has given us personalities, and character qualities that help us to achieve our goals. Look at Jesus. He had passion, determination, perseverance, and persistence. And God created us in His image. The possibilities are endless and the potential of who we can be in Christ’s strength is unimaginable.

Determination is the quality of being resolute. It gives us superhuman strength, fuels our impossible dreams, and intensifies our focus.

Having a goal and achieving that goal are two completely separate things.

“A dream without a goal is just a wish.”

Everyone has wishes and dreams, but not everyone achieves their goals. What is the defining factor? What separates the successful from those who settle?
Those who succeed work hard. They work harder than every other person around them.

So go! Do your back flip! 

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