Sunday, October 10, 2010

Slanderous Saints

Many Americans are outraged at the radical Westboro Baptist Christian group protesting at US service men's funerals. The group from Topeka, Kansas has been staging protests at the funerals of numerous fallen American soldiers. They do this because they are upset with the current moral culture in America. When they protest they sing chants about how evil people are and how everyone is going to hell. They preach the wrath of God. They hold signs saying "God Hates You" and God Hates Fags". The group is now being sued in the Supreme Court by the father of Corporal Matthew Snyder who was killed in combat while on duty in Iraq.
The leader of the Baptist group, Margie J. Phelps, is an attorney who claims that because of their first amendment rights, they have the freedom to act in this manner. What makes these people think that it is first of all permissible to act this way and secondly that it would be in any way beneficial to the cause of their religion? They claim to be Christians, but in the Bible, God's word, there is a commandment to "…Go out into all the world to preach the gospel to all creation." Mark 16:15 Gospel means good news. How then, does the Westboro church justify their hateful actions? Granted, there is much social decay in American society. The absence of morality is becoming ever present and outspoken as new generations of Americans are brought up with an increasing set of loose morals. God hates sin, but the Westboro group is forgetting that He loves the sinner. This group is doing a disservice to all Christians around the world as they preach hate and dishonor not only the fallen soldiers and their families, but also their country and what it stands for, freedom. This group is abusing the freedom that thousands of Americans have lost their lives for. It is good to be bold and stand up for what you believe in, as this group seems to understand very well, but once your freedoms infringe upon other's rights their freedom is sacrificed at your expense. 

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